DIsney Leadership Adventure

Average trip length: 48-60 hours

Join us for an exciting field trip experience aimed to build leadership skills and emphasize the importance of teamwork at Disneyland and California Adventure. At Disneyland, your students will take part in a leadership workshop where they will work together to complete a variety of hands-on activities and learn what it takes to become a great leader. 

After a fun day enjoying your chosen theme park and a restful night in a LA area hotel, we will visit one of the area’s Holocaust museums, The Museum of Tolerance or the LA Museum of the Holocaust. At the Museum of Tolerance, your students will tour two areas of the museum. The Holocaust exhibit walks students through the historical events of Nazi-dominated Europe. Participants receive a passport introducing them to a child whose life was dramatically changed by the Holocaust. Find out at the end of the tour how history impacted the life of your child. Next, tour the Tolerance center and gain and understanding of how intolerance is still a major part of our lives today.

At the LA Museum of the Holocaust, your students will embark on a guided tour of the museum. Viewing artifacts and pictures, reading letters, and listening to stories of life in a Nazi concentration camp, this tour showcases life before, during and after the Holocaust. At the end of your tour, you will have an incredible opportunity to listen to a Holocaust survivor speak. Survivors speak directly to the students about their life and experiences. Some speak about life leading up to the Holocaust, while others speak to life at the end of World War II. Students will also have a few minutes to ask questions after hearing their story.
After your Holocaust tour, we will have lunch before settling back on the motor coach. We will make a quick dinner stop in Blythe on our safe drive back to school.

Overnight Trip

Sneak Peak!

Project Exploration

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