Welcome To

Project Exploration

Founded in 1977, Project Exploration is family-owned and dedicated to teaching and inspiring our youth through outdoor education. We are committed to bringing learning to life through unique and exciting hands-on educational experiences. Creating outdoor learning “classrooms”, our field trips are designed to align with state curriculum standards for each grade level. 

Our goal is to relieve teachers and administrators of the stresses associated with planning a field trip. Providing turnkey trip planning services, we will make sure you and your students have a safe, educational, and of course thrilling experience. Let us plan your next field trip and learn why hundreds of schools and districts have chosen Project Exploration as their preferred partner in educational travel.

47 Years of Education & Inspiration

Founded in 1977, Project Exploration was built on family values and a love of outdoor education. Jim Palmer, founder of Project Exploration, began his teaching career in 1965. He quickly discovered the tremendous benefits of hands-on learning outside the classroom. Outdoor education has shown to improve overall school performance, provides physical and mental health benefits, and by making learning fun, increases students’ motivation to learn. With numerous outdoor learning opportunities around the state of Arizona, Mr. Palmer and his students explored Kitt Peak Observatory, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, the Grand Canyon, Sunset Crater Volcano and so much more!

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Palmer was approached by Bill MacFarland, a fellow teacher and president of the Arizona Education Association. He was asked to design and initiate an outdoor education program for teachers in Arizona. More than 300 teachers participated during the four years this program was offered. When these teachers began to plan their own field trips, many requested Mr. Palmer attend and share his intellect with their students. Eager to share his passion and expertise in outdoor education, Mr. Palmer established Project Exploration in 1977. Mr. Palmer and all who work for Project Exploration have been honored to educate so many students in Arizona through fun, educational field trips over the past 47 years. Project Exploration is excited to continue educating the minds and hearts of Arizona’s youth for many years to come.

Project Exploration

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Other Projects

Wild Thing Critter Bus

The Wild Thing Critter Bus is an on-campus field trip program bringing the zoo directly to Arizona schools. Students learn about different species and their habitats through a science-based curriculum. Through our programs, we aim to enhance the educational lives of young students while instilling in them a deeper appreciation for our natural world, and the necessity to preserve it. The zoo comes to you for an exciting field trip your students will remember for years to come!

Wild Thing Critter Bus

On-campus Field Trip Program
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