Quality Education

Everyone's Business!

Committed to bringing learning to life through unique and exciting hands-on educational experiences.

Trip Brochure

About Us

Over 47 years of safe, educational field trip planning.

Day Trips

Mostly in-state field trips ranging from 8 - 24 hours in length.

Overnight Trips

Arizona and California field trips ranging from 36-65 hours in length.

Virtual Trips

Virtual field trip videos giving a preview of our most popular trips.

Why Choose Project Exploration?

Throughout our 47 years in business, Project Exploration has organized thousands of field trips throughout the Southwestern United States. From scheduling educational visits based on state curriculum standards, to teaching and entertaining your students on the bus, we do it all!

Safety and education are our top priorities; however, we pride ourselves on making learning fun. Project Exploration instructors turn your bus into a moving classroom with informative yet engaging activities. Students often mention the bus ride as a highlight of their trip.

While making memories that last a lifetime, students on Project Exploration field trips acquire important life skills. Students learn to budget their money, be responsible for their belongings, and positively represent themselves and their school at each venue. The unique experience of traveling with friends and peers is one your students won’t want to miss

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Project Exploration Inc. exists to bring learning to life through unique and exciting hands-on field experiences and aims to enhance the educational lives of young students while instilling in them a deeper appreciation for our natural world and the necessity to preserve it. If you have questions about any of our “outdoor living classrooms” please review our FAQs and don’t hesitate to call!

Trip Brochure